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Neatware Examples: Information
window, video, screen, ...
Home : Last Update: Thu Jul 06 16:06:48 2000
  1. info_window

    ?window command returns the info about the window. [?window rect] will return a list of window's rectangle as {top left bottom right}. [?window client] will return the rectangle of client window. puts command will display the result on the console. It is only readable on the IDE with the console. The executable command will not dispaly the console outputs.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Window 
    	  border=normal width=480 height=320}	
    	    puts "window rect: [?window rect]"
    	    puts "window client: [?window client]"

  2. info_video

    ?video command will return video's information. This example shows how to get the video capability, type, current frame, start frame, end frame, and total frame numbers.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Video Information centre=480 240}
    	  _video {name=../Media/neat.mpg}
    	    puts "?video capability  = [?video capability]"
    	    puts "?video type        = [?video type]"
    	    puts "?video current     = [?video current]"
    	    puts "?video start       = [?video start]"
    	    puts "?video end         = [?video end]"
    	    puts "?video length      = [?video length]"

  3. info_screen

    It gets the screen width and height.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window "title=Ladybug2000 Screen Info centre=480 320"
    	  puts "screen width 	= [?screen width]"
    	  puts "screen height	= [?screen height]"

  4. info_transform

    [?transform image] will get a list of available image transforms. The [?transform mesh] will get a list of available 3D transforms. The [?transform all] will return all the available transforms. So it is possible to select one of a name used in the _transform command.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Transform 
    	  border=normal width=480 height=320}	
    	  # get available image transforms
    	  puts "transform image\n [?transform image]"
    	  # get available 3D transforms
    	  puts "transform mesh\n [?transform mesh]"
    	  # get all the available transforms
    	  puts "transform all\n [?transform all]"

  5. change_window

    [!window {title=new title}] will modify window's title as "new title". It can also modify other window's attributes. Then the window's style or size will be updated after the modification.

    	package require media 1.0
    	_window {title=Ladybug2000 Window 
    	  border=normal width=480 height=320}	
    	    puts "window rect: [?window rect]"
    	    puts "window client: [?window client]"
    	    puts "window title: [?window title]"
    	    puts "new window title [!window {title=new title}]"
    	    puts "new window position [!window {orgx=50 orgy=50 
    	      width=200 height=200}]"

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Home : Last Update: Thu Jul 06 16:06:48 2000
window, video, screen, ...
Neatware Examples: Information
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