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Neatware Window
Open, Close, Query, Modify
Home : Last Update: Thu Jul 06 16:28:49 2000
  1. Open

    Window commands complete open, close, query, and modify the window object. Open command will create a window and other video DirectX surfaces for video rendering.

    Command _window argument
    title=caption name;		default Ladybug2000
    border=normal | windowless;	default normal	
    orgx=top-left x coordinate;	default 0
    orgy=top-left y coordinate;	default 0
    width=window width;		default 100
    height=window height;		defautl 100
    auto=true | false;		default false
    Descriptiotn title attribute specifies the name string of the window's title. border attribute has the value normal and windowless. The value normal specifies that it is a normal window and this is the default value of the border. The value windowless specifies that it is a window without the border and title. The attribute orgx and orgy specify window's top-left position. The default value is (0, 0). width and height attributes set the window width and height. When auto attribute is false it will close the window after the execution of the window_ command. Otherwise it will leave the window open until you press the ESC key or click the close button on the title bar. centre attribute puts the window with the width and height on the centre of the screen.
    _window {title=Ladybug 2000 
      border=windowless centre=320 240}
      # other commands

  2. Close

    Command window_
    Argument none
    Descriptiotn window_ command close the window according to the auto attribute in the _window command. When auto is set to true the window is closed after execution window_ command.
    _window {title=Test}

  3. Query

    Command ?window argument
    title	get title string wordstart 
    rect	get window's rect list {left top right bottom}
    client	get window's client rect list {left top right bottom}
    border	get window's border with value normal or windowless
    Descriptiotn get the window information.
    _window {title=Test}
      ?window title
      ?window rect
      ?window client
      ?window border

  4. Modify

    Command !window argument
    title=new title name		set title string 
    orgx=org x value		set org x value
    orgy=org y value		set org y value
    width=window width		set window width
    height=window height		set window height
    auto=true | false		set auto close window
    Descriptiotn change window's attributes. title attribute changes the title string of the window. orgx and orgy attributes modify the top-left x and y coordinator. width and height attributes modify the window's width and height. When auto attribute is changed to true it will automatically terminate the window after the execution of window_ command.
    _window {title=Neatware Ladybug 2000 
      orgx=100 orgy=100 border=windowless auto=false}
      set t [?window title]
      !window "title=Title : $t width=100 height=200"

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Home : Last Update: Thu Jul 06 16:28:49 2000
Open, Close, Query, Modify
Neatware Window
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