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__img command puts image in the Snaml/WML code. The default WML image has the .wbmp format.

__img "alt='text' src='url' localsrc='icon' align='(top|middle|bottom)'
       width='n' height='n' vspace='n' hspace='n'"	

'alt' attribute is an alternative text of the image when an image can not be displayed. 'src' attribute specifies the URL of image. 'localsrc' attribute specifies an alternative and internal image. The loaning order of above three attributes is 'localsrc', 'src' and 'alt'. It terminated on a successful loading.

'align' attribute specifies the alignment of image. It may have value top, middle and bottom. 'width' and 'height' attributes specifiy the width and height of an image respectively. 'hspace' attribute specifies the number of whitespace above or below the image. 'vspace' attribute specifies the number of whitespace in front or behind of the image.