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In the XHTML you'd better use CSS instead of _font command.

  1. Formatting

    Typically, 'bgcolor' attribute sets the background color with a color value. 'align' attribute aligns block elements such as tables, objects, and paragraphs on the canavas. The possible values are the left, center, right, and justify. For left-to-right text and right-to-left text, the default values are left and right respectively. An object will float on the left or right margin because of its 'align' attribute. The 'clear' attribute of _br command controls text flow around floating objects. Its value 'none' (default) starts next line normally. The value 'left' and 'right' will make next line begin at nearest line below any floating objects on the left and right margin. The value 'all' is for either margin.

    _html "xmlns='' xml:lang='en' lang='en'"
      _title; quote "Formatting"; title_ 
      _style "type='text/css'"
          rule "br#test" {clear: left}
    _body "bgcolor='white'"
      quote "long text paragraph"
      _br "id='test'"
      quote "is separated."
  2. Font

    Although font command is depreciated in favor of style sheets, they have been widely used in the current web pages. Here, _tt command renders text as teletype or monospaced; _i command renders text as italic; and _b command renders text as bold. I addition, _small and _big commands render text in a small and big font respectively. Finally, _strike and _u commands render text as strike-through and underline.

    Rather than uses font command, style sheet is clarity to achieve visual effects. Following example shows green and italic text in a paragraph with style sheet.

    _html "xmlns='' xml:lang='en' lang='en'"
      _title; quote "Font"; title_ 
          rule "p.igreen" {font-style: italic; color: green}
      _p "id='igreen'"
      quote "Green italic text by style sheet."
      # the font equivalent
      _font "color='green'"
        _i; quote "Green italic text by font."; i_

    _font command changes the font size and color of the text in its content. The _basefont command sets the base font size with 'size' attribute. Typical default base font size is 3. The 'size' attribute must be an integer from 1 to 7. The '+' and '-' sign of an integer means relative increasement and decreasement in font size. To declare font names, 'face' attribute must specify a comma-separated list. In addition, 'color' attribute specifies the text color.

    _font "face='arial, helverta' size='+2' color='red'"
      quote "This is red arial text with size 2."

    _hr command shows a horizontal rule. Boolean 'noshade' attribute will render rule in a solid color rather than a groove. Furthermore, 'size' attribute specifies the height of the rule; 'width' attribute specifies its width (default 100%); and 'align' attribute specifies its horizonal alignment.

    _hr "align='center' width='50%' size='3' noshade"