Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF)

EBNF is used to describe the formal grammar of a language. A rule has the form 'symbol ::= expression'. If a symbol is defined by a regular expression then it has an initial capital letter, otherwise it has an initial lower case letter. Following table lists the EBNF definition.

#xN N is a hexadecimal integer. a character in ISO/IEC 10646
'string' matches a literal string that inside
"string" the single and double quotes
[a-z] matches any character from a to z
[^a-z] matches any character outside the ranage a to z
[^abc] matches any character not among the given character
(expr) is a unit
A? is optional A; matches A or nothing
A* matches zero or more occurences of A
A+ matches one or more occurences of A
A B matches A followed by B
A|B matches A or B but not both
A-B matches A but does not match B