
Firstly, _ol (order list) command creates a numbered list. Secondly, _ul (unorder list) creates a bulleted list. In their contents, _li represents the marker of an order and unorder list. Finally, _dl creates a definition list where _dt (definition title) and _dd (definition description) are markers for the list elements.

Lists may be nested and combined with different types. The _ol only 'start' attribute specifies the starting marker of the first item in an ordered list (default 1). The 'type' attribute of _ol may have the value '1', 'a', 'A', 'i', 'I' for arabic numbers, lower alpha, upper alpha, lower roman, and upper roman markers respectively. However, the 'type' attribute in _ul sets the shape of markers with value disc, square, and circle. In addition, the _li only 'value' attribute sets the number of the current list item.

unorder list

  _ul "type='circle'"; # shape of marker
    _li; quote "First Item" li_
    _li; quote "Second Item" li_
    _li; quote "Third Item" li_

order list

  _ol "start=2 type='i'"
    # starting marker 2 with lower roman
    _li "value='1'"; _quote "1st Item"  
    # current item
    _li; quote "2nd Item" li_
    _li; quote "3rd Item" li_

definition list

    _dt; quote "1st Title" dt_ 
    _dd; quote "1st Content" dd_
    _dt; quote "2nd Title" dt_ 
    _dd; quote "2nd Content" dd_
    _dt; quote "3rd Title" dt_
    _dd; quote "3rd Content" dd_