
1. Info
  • info exist varname

    if the variable varname exists in the current context then returns 1, otherwise returns 0.

  • info path

    return current processing file name.

  • info globals

    return a list of global variables.

  • info locals

    return a list of all the names of currently-defined local variables, including arguments to the current procedure. Variables defined with the global and upvar commands will not be returned.

  • info library

    return the path name of the library.

2. Clock

commands in the clock manipulate time and date.

  • clock clicks

    return a high-resolution time value as a system-dependent integer value. The unit of the value is system-dependent but should be the highest resolution clock available on the system such as a CPU cycle counter. This value should only be used for the relative measurement of elapsed time.

  • clock seconds

    return the current date and time as a system-dependent integer value. The unit of the value is seconds.

  • clock format clockvalue [options]

    converts an integer time value, typically returned by clock seconds, clock scan options, to human-readable form. The options maybe format=string that describes how the date and time are to be formatted. Field descriptors consist of a % followed by a field descriptor character. All other characters are copied into the result. Valid field descriptors are: converts an integer time value, typically returned by clock seconds, clock scan options, to human-readable form.

    Without the format=string option, the format string "%a %b %d %H:%M: %S %Z %Y" is used. The gmt=true specifies that the time will be formatted as Greenwich Mean Time. The false value is the local timezone defined by the operating environment and it is a default value.

    Valid field descriptors are:

    %%  Insert a %.
    %a  Abbreviated weekday name (Mon, Tue, etc.). 
    %A  Full weekday name (Monday, Tuesday, etc.). 
    %b  Abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, etc.). 
    %B  Full month name. 
    %c  Locale specific date and time. 
    %d  Day of month (01 - 31). 
    %H  Hour in 24-hour format (00 - 23). 
    %I  Hour in 12-hour format (00 - 12). 
    %j  Day of year (001 - 366). 
    %m  Month number (01 - 12). 
    %M  Minute (00 - 59). 
    %p  AM/PM indicator. 
    %S  Seconds (00 - 59). 
    %U  Week of year (01 - 52), Sunday is 
        the first day of the week. 
    %w  Weekday number (Sunday = 0). 
    %W  Week of year (01 - 52), Monday is 
        the first day of the week. 
    %x  Locale specific date format. 
    %X  Locale specific time format. 
    %y  Year without century (00 - 99). 
    %Y  Year with century (e.g. 1990) 
    %Z  Time zone name.