
Table Modules are divided into Basic and Advanced Table Modules. The Basic Table Module is the set of Advanced Table Module and is primiarily used for wireless Internet.

_table is a command to construct a table. The _tr command specifies table row and the _td command specifies table data. _table content may include a _caption command.

The attributes of basic _table include COMMON, summary, and width attributes. The attributes of advanced _table are: 'border' attribute sets the table border with the integer from 0 to n. To declare the position of cells, the 'cellspacing' attribute specifies the space between two cells; 'cellpadding' attribute sets the space between the border and the content of a cell; and the 'height' and 'width' attributes specify the height and width of a table respectively. Finally 'bgcolor' attribute specifies the background color of a table.

Table Demo
Title 1 Title 2
Area A Area B
Area C

To specify visible sides, 'frame' attribute may be one of the value: void, above, below, hsides, vsides, lhs, rhs, box, and border. They represent the none side(default), top side, bottom side, top&bottom side, left&right side, left-hand side, right-hand side, and all four sides respectively. To describe which rules will appear between cells, the 'rules' attribute may have one of a value none, groups, rows, cols, or all. In default when there are no frame and rules attributes, border='0' implies frame='void' and rules='none'; border='2' implies frame='border', rules='all', and border width is 2.

The _tr command defines a row. Its attributes may be COMMON, align (left | center | right), or valign (top | middle | bottom). The content of _th in Advanced Table Module may be divied into head (_thead), foot (_tfoot), and body (_tbody) sections. To group columns, _colgroup and _col commands define the property of group.

_th command specifies a cell head in the _tr. Usually it can be replaced by the _td command that defines a cell (data) in the content.

_td command may have the attributes 'align', 'valign', 'height', 'width', 'bgcolor', and other COMMON attributes. 'align' attribute controls the horizontal alignment of the cell with the value left, right, or center; 'valign' attribute controls the verticle alignment with the value top, bottom, or middle. In addition, The 'colspan' attribute allows a cell span its width to one or more cells (default is 1). The 'rowspan' attribute spans its height to more cells. There are abbr, headers, axis, scope(row | col) attributes for _td command.

_html "xmlns='http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' xml:lang='en' lang='en'"
  _title; quote "Table"; title_ 
  _table "border='1' cellspacing='4' cellpadding='8'
    bgcolor='#FFFFFF' nowrap='nowrap';
    align='center' valign='middle' 
    width='320' height='200'
    frame='hsides' rules='groups'" 

    quote "Table Demo"
      _td; quote "Title 1'; td_
      _td; quote "Title 2"; td_

  _tr "width='30%'"
    _td "colspan='1' bgcolor='#FF0000'"
      quote "Area A"
    _td "bgcolor='#0000FF'"
      quote "Area B"
    _td "colspan='2' bgcolor=#00FF00"
      quote "Area C"